Why mums don't jump recommended podcast

Recommended Podcast

I’ve just listened to Rachel Horne speak on the Why Mums Don’t Jump podcast about her journey back to running after 3 babies.

This is one I want many mums to listen to. Not be inspired to run a marathon (though you might be). Nor to have a magical you-can-fix-this if-you-work-hard promise (though you will). Rather I want you to hear how she describes her body as one she respects and cares about. WITH it’s problems and limitations.

She IS going to run the marathon but she is not focused on perfection in the experience. She has moved her goal posts to reflect who she IS after her babies. After changes. After doing her physio rehab, gadgets and all. And still leaking when she runs.

Her goal is to run the first 5 miles dry. Not the whole thing without laking. She recognises that to have recovered after the deliveries of 3 children and achieve this, for her, would be an immense and worthy achievement. She lovingly says ” I would be so proud of my body”. Totally agree.

Why Mums Don’t Jump is a wonderful resource. Interesting interviews with mums and health professionals about living with bladder and prolapse issues after childbirth. Highly recommended.