National or online: great supporters of mums professionally led exercise videos
Exercises for after a Caesarean led by a specialist physiotherapist professionally led exercise videos

My Postnatal Exercise videos & many more I have enjoyed collaborating with online platform PACTSTER to create a series of videos for new mums to follow – straight from delivery until you feel ready to step out into mainstream exercise again. Free access to the site for a month with my promo code (see below). The videos show all the exercises which we teach you in clinic & classes as well as having a bit more ‘flow’ with warms ups and cool downs. If you have just had your baby or are brand new to exercise start with Birth to 6 weeks (or Caesarean to 6 weeks) for a selection of safe pelvic floor and core friendly sequences.   Strengthen the Pelvic Floor  and  Stretch and Relax suit everyone (even partners!) and can be done at any time The core focused videos follow a progressive order to lead you back to being ready to run or take part in a mainstream fitness class.

  • Mind the Gap I
  • Mind the Gap II 
  • Galvanising Gluts
  • Pre-running Prep

How to use the Promotion Code to get a month free access to Pactster To watch the full videos first go to the site  CLICK HERE. Choose the top right corner START FREE TRIAL button.  After you have entered your email address and chosen a password (you just make one up), the next screen will offer you a place to put a promocode.   Use promocode AmandaPostnatal to get one month FREE access to all the videos on the site. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any problems accessing the video or using the Pactster site.