Birth to 6 weeks or Caesarean to 6 weeks
Stretch & Relax is good for partners too!
MInd the Gap I & II for non-crunch abs work
Pre-run do 10 mins prep to prime the core
My postnatal videos
I have enjoyed collaborating with online platform BEAM to create a series of videos for new mums to follow – straight from delivery until you feel ready to step out into mainstream exercise again.
Use the promotional code “BEAM-WITH-SUPPORTED-MUMS” for 30 days free gold membership access to these & all videos at
The videos show all the exercises which we teach you in clinic as well as having a bit more ‘flow’ with warms ups and cool downs.
- If you have just had your baby or are brand new to exercise start with Birth to 6 weeks (or Caesarean to 6 weeks) for a selection of safe pelvic floor and core friendly sequences.
- Strengthen the Pelvic Floor and Stretch and Relax suit everyone (even partners!) and can be done at any time
- The other core focused videos follow a progressive order to lead you back to being ready to run or take part in a mainstream fitness class.